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HomeArtificial Intelligence1: Elon Musk Strongly Advocates Vigorous AI Regulation

1: Elon Musk Strongly Advocates Vigorous AI Regulation

According to Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, there was a strong agreement among technical experts in Washington to regulate artificial intelligence after their discussions

Taking part in the meeting were tech leaders, including Mark Zuckerberg from Meta and Sundar Pichai, the owner of Google. Among the tech magnates participating in the meeting were Mark Zuckerberg from Meta and Sundar Pichai, the owner of Google.

On Wednesday, there was a closed-door meeting with American lawmakers, Chuck Schumer, as the Senate Majority Leader, was the one behind the organization of the conference, and it showcased participants from both the technology sector and civil rights groups Politicians from all across the world are very interested in the impact of artificial intelligence, whether for good or bad.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s Senate Testimony on AI Technology’s Pitfalls and Pledge to Collaborate with Government

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, spoke in front of a U.S. Senate Committee in May and focused on the potential negative implications of new technologies Programs like ChatGPT and others of its kind can offer responses that resemble human-like answers, yet they can also be quite erroneous

I think that if this technology malfunctions, it could be significantly problematic… We aim to be transparent about it,” Mr. Altman remarked. He also stated, “We are interested in working alongside the government to prevent any such occurrences.
AI companies have received backlash for training their models using data taken from the internet without permission or compensation to the creators.

In April, Mr. Musk told the BBC, ‘I think there should be an oversight authority for AI to ensure it doesn’t pose a risk to the public. In the Wednesday meeting, he expressed his desire for an ‘arbitrator’ in the field of artificial intelligence. He later mentioned to journalists, I believe we may witness certain developments, although I’m uncertain about when or how they will become evident.

Elon Musk

AI Regulation: A Collaborative Approach Urged by Tech Leaders and Senators

Mr. Zuckerberg believes Congress should work with AI to support creative and secure solutions. He suggested, It would be more beneficial if established American companies worked alongside our government to shape these models on crucial matters. He commented, Senator Mike Rounds a Republican, has stated that Congress will require some time to take action.
Are we ready to go out and write laws? Absolutely not,” Mr. Rounds said. “We were not there

Democratic Senator Cory Booker expressed that everyone concurs on the government having a regulatory role, yet crafting laws will pose a difficulty.

Certainly, AI is exerting a substantial influence on the progression of autonomous vehicles, virtual assistants, and revolutionary scientific breakthroughs exemplified by Dr. Stephen Vasilesku’s AI-guided sperm detection invention.



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